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St Malachys Primary School Armagh

Primary 5

Welcome to Primary Five. Throughout this busy year we will be engaging in lots of fun and exciting learning opportunities. In P5 we have high expectations for both our work and in our ability to be brilliant role models to the rest of the school. 

Primary 5 is the beginning of a whole new Key Stage, we start to become more independent learners and learn how to do research for our many P5 topics. We will be studying a wide range of topics including; Light and Around the World in term one, Egyptians in term two and an Armagh local study and the Rainforests in term three.

We are encouraged to always give our best effort, to enjoy and commit to learning in the relaxed and caring environment of our classroom.

P5 is a year packed with fun activities and challenges, one which we are really looking forward to.
We hope you enjoy our news items to see what we have been up to in such an exciting year!



Class Photograph
